Martin Hesselmeier’s Photofeedback was not explicitly shown in relation to art history, but its motives are so avant-garde it could have been made in 1928, if only they had the right technology. His toad-like robots move around automatically in a dark space, shining lights on the photographic paper beneath them and marking it with their mechanical movements. Like Moholy-Nagy’s photograms, the resulting print is only minimally controlled and the result is abstract, mystical and cool. What does it mean, in this new art free of art history, not to acknowledge or perhaps not even to be aware of such precedents? If it allows for freedom, and uncriticized exploration, perhaps it is not all bad.
2019 Gesellschaft für zeitgenössische Kunst Osnabrück
2013 Computing the Physical, LEAP, Berlin
2008 ArtCologne, Köln
Photofeedback by Martin Hesselmeier
Technical Support
Martin Nawrath
lab III, Academy of Media Arts Cologne
Martin Hesselmeier’s Photofeedback was not explicitly shown in relation to art history, but its motives are so avant-garde it could have been made in 1928, if only they had the right technology. His toad-like robots move around automatically in a dark space, shining lights on the photographic paper beneath them and marking it with their mechanical movements. Like Moholy-Nagy’s photograms, the resulting print is only minimally controlled and the result is abstract, mystical and cool. What does it mean, in this new art free of art history, not to acknowledge or perhaps not even to be aware of such precedents? If it allows for freedom, and uncriticized exploration, perhaps it is not all bad.
2019 Gesellschaft für zeitgenössische Kunst Osnabrück
2013 Computing the Physical, LEAP, Berlin
2008 ArtCologne, Köln
Photofeedback by Martin Hesselmeier
Technical Support
Martin Nawrath
lab III, Academy of Media Arts Cologne
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© 2024 Martin Hesselmeier
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© 2024 Martin Hesselmeier